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i was a pioneer and a servant years before 1975 became so popular.
-----long before elders had been invented.
-----circuit assemblies started on friday evening.
if anyone had to guess, what do you think the average age of the community actually is?.
are more millennials actually waking up or is it pretty even amongst previous generations as well?
whats reddit ?
i was a pioneer and a servant years before 1975 became so popular.
-----long before elders had been invented.
-----circuit assemblies started on friday evening.
last night, during our "christian life and ministry" meeting, we had a session on local needs.
elder opened the talk with a disclaimer saying that this was a reminder (cited psalms about how david loved jehovahs reminders).
he reminded us of how bless we are of having our own local assembly hall.
last night, during our "christian life and ministry" meeting, we had a session on local needs.
elder opened the talk with a disclaimer saying that this was a reminder (cited psalms about how david loved jehovahs reminders).
he reminded us of how bless we are of having our own local assembly hall.
blondie suggested someone start a thread with a list of books that are valuable to read when exiting the jws.. i will start.. i left the jws way back in the early 70s and didn't actually deprogram until into the 80s.. one of the first books i read was "the orwellian world of jehovah's witnesses" by gary and heather botting.
canadian exjws from calagary.
an excellent book and one that still resonates with young people today.
i quit the cult in 1971. i never even thought of reading any books about it--i didnt even know any.
i trusted my instinct: i know i hated everything about my involvement with the cult--pioneering--being a servant--even getting married in a kingdumb hall. i felt a huge weight lifted off when i quit--and that was 45 years ago.
in recent years i stumbled on to this whole internet ex jw / apostacy thing. up till then i had no idea there were so many others who had gone--or were going--through similar phases as i had.
i even bought one book--C of C--and read half of it--from the middle to the end. i had no interest in looking at the watchtower " cut and paste" bits in it. i then gave it away to another xj who was keen to read it.
in fact--i wonder if C of C had been available in free public libraries whether all this copyright fuss could have been avoided.
okay, i'm about to engage in a major word vomit.
just giving you fair warning as your time may be better spent somewhere else.. so, i'm sitting on my lunch break, bawling my eyes out, and writing on this forum to people i don't know yet probably have a great deal in common with but at the same time, used to scare the daylights out of me.
for years, i would come across this forum and 'lurk' awhile if you will, or see things on youtube.
hi Steph x
apostates are just--people. from all walks of life--rich or poor--young and old.
but weve all got the same thing in common--escaped from a crazy cult.
i just have a question regarding the mormon faith.
could a practicing mormon women who didn't work, but who was a married to a none practicing mormon man who was the sole income provider.
could she still get a temple recommend if he flatly refused to tithe.
we just finished watching outlander which is about a woman who goes back in time ~200 years from the end of wwii.
she ends up in the scottish highlands in the middle of the jacobite uprising.
it's a great show although the last episodes were a little graphic (they make game of thrones seem like sesame street).. but it got me thinking ... if you went back in time would you in fact be the 'god' you may imagine because of your knowledge of modern technology and the future?.
i already am a god.
dont need to travel nowhere
someone commented on an old post, "jw's attract a lot of misfits and alcoholics" yep, fits my family to a t. booze was at every family reunion, party, picnic, you name it, if my family was gonna be there, there was gonna be lots of booze.
my pops was cheap (he dropped out of school in the 9th grade, so only worked low paying jobs) so to save money on beer, he and my uncle decide to make some homebrew (this is in the early 70's, before all the beer brewing kits you can get now).
they got a recipe from some old codger, dug up an old 30 gallon crock from god only knows where, and commences to buying cans of malt, bags of sugar, cases of empty bottles, a hand operated capping machine the whole nine yards, oh, it was a big operation, yep, were gonna save a bundle on beer!.
a new letter was posted in jw.org to the elders who are under the brazilian branch:.
january 25, 2016to all bodies of eldersref .
: clap when given a readmission addear brothers:we would like to inform you about a recent adjustment.
might be more understandable if the congregation applauded when someone got disfellowshipped